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Mailing Lists at the University of Birmingham List Owner's Guide Administration of Lists Adding and Removing Users

Adding Users

In an open list, users can add themselves automatically. If the list is closed, or the request to join the list originates from an address other than the address to be added the request is referred to the list owner, with brief instructions. You may also wish to add users to certain types of list from time to time. This is often done when the list is created.

You can add users using the majorcool web interface . Alternatively, you can add them by email using the method below, but this is no longer recommended.

If you need to add an email address to the list, send the following command to

approve <password> subscribe <listname> <address>

where <password> is the list password, <listname> is the name of the list and <address> is the email address you wish to add. The address must be in the normal email address format, eg. Majordomo will send a confirmation message if this command succeeds. If you are adding a new address, take care to specify the address correctly, as the accuracy of the address cannot be checked by majordomo. For example in order to add the address to the list trees with the password "brt6yhui" the command would be

approve brt6yhui subscribe trees

Removing Users

Normally, requests to be removed from a list are processed automatically. Requests to leave will be referred to the list owner if the request originates from an address which differs from the address to be removed. You may also wish to remove addresses from the list for other reasons, for example if an address in the list is invalid.

You can remove users using the majorcool web interface . Alternatively, you can remove them by email using the method below, but this is no longer recommended.

If you need to remove an email address from the list, send the following command to

approve <password> unsubscribe <listname> <address>

where <password> is the list password, <listname> is the name of the list and <address> is the email address you wish to remove. Majordomo will send a confirmation message if this command succeeds. For example in order to remove the address from the list trees with the password "brt6yhui" the command would be

approve brt6yhui unsubscribe trees

The address must be in the list and have exactly the same format as the one in the list. If necessary, the list membership can be checked with a who command. Majordomo will send a confirmation message if this command succeeds.

Last Updated 22nd June 2006. Please mail any comments to


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